Succession of the Circle (2014)
All that we know is a circle from the largest to the smallest of things. Our existence finishes as it started, our molecular structure brakes down to circles, our solar system expands into a vast multitude of circles, circles that circle our circles that turn every day. We are governed by the circle. History would have us believe we once thought of the circle we live on as a disk, only now can we see the falsification of these words, our great philosophers always thought of our circle as a sphere. What mask are we living under where we believe in the falsities put before us, entrenched in circular motions that perpetuate illusion and ideas. We are controlled by the very circles we created and the ones that created us. Succession of the Circle sees a circular performance occur which starts from simple spoken word and builds into a rudimentary constructed stage set. Slowly a set is formed around the initial performer as a backdrop, props and other performers appear. The first performer is replaced by two other’s who are consumed within the set construction. Just as the set was built, it then becomes dismantled. The performance ends where it starts, looping without really going anywhere, a performance which nullifies it’s self through the action of returning the circle. Performed with: Silje Johannessen and Cedric Stevens Photography: Monika Sobczak |